Code of Ethics – ERA Ltd


At European Raid Arrays, we believe in conducting business with the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and ethical behaviour. Our Code of Ethics outlines the principles and guidelines that govern the conduct of all employees, directors, and representatives of our company. By adhering to these principles, we uphold our commitment to our stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, employees, and the markets in which we operate.

Integrity and Honesty

  • We conduct all business activities with honesty, integrity and transparency.
  • We constantly strive to improve the quality of our services to create a reputation for honesty, respect, trust, and sound business judgement.
  • We do not engage in deceptive, fraudulent, or unethical practices.
  • We accurately and honestly represent our products, services, and capabilities to customers, stakeholders, and the public.
  • We prohibit the offering, giving, solicitation or acceptance of any bribes or corrupt inducements, whether directly or indirectly, in any form.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

  • We comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and legal requirements in every jurisdiction where we operate.
  • We respect intellectual property rights and do not infringe upon the intellectual property of others.
  • We maintain proper documentation and records to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory obligations.
  • Employees must stay informed about relevant laws and regulations pertaining to their roles and responsibility.

Conflicts of Interest

  • We avoid situations where personal interests conflict with the interests of the company or its stakeholders.
  • Employees and directors disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest promptly to the appropriate parties.
  • Decisions are made impartially, without favouritism or bias, to ensure the best interests of the company are served.


  • We protect confidential information belonging to the company, its customers, employees, and other stakeholders.
  • Confidential information is not disclosed, except when required by law or authorized by the appropriate parties.
  • Employees must respect the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by the company.

Respect and Fair treatment.

  • We treat each other with dignity, respect, and fairness, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or other characteristics.
  • We maintain a work environment free from harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.
  • Employees must treat customers, suppliers and community with respect and fairness regardless of different backgrounds and opinions.
  • Employees are encouraged to report any incidents of harassment, discrimination, or unfair treatment promptly to management for appropriate action.

Environmental and Social Responsibility

  • We are working towards minimizing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable business practices.
  • We comply with environmental regulations and strive to reduce waste, conserve resources, and mitigate pollution.
  • We aim to support initiatives that contribute to the well-being and development of the communities in which we operate.

Reporting and Accountability

  • Employees are encouraged to report any violations or concerns regarding ethical conduct to management.
  • Reports of ethical violations will be investigated promptly and impartially, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if necessary.
  • Managers and leaders are accountable for upholding ethical standards and fostering a culture of integrity and compliance within their teams.
  • If anyone suspects Ethics are not being met, please respond to


The European Raid Arrays Code of Ethics reflects our commitment to conducting business with integrity, honesty, and respect for all stakeholders. By adhering to these principles, we uphold the reputation and values of our company and contribute to a sustainable and ethical business environment.

Name:     Sean Baker

Date          17/04/24


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